What is the significance of Firing Order?

Marine engine firing order is designed to distribute the engine power on the crankshaft bearings evenly. It should also be the optimum firing order to ensure the least engine vibration through balancing the power output along with consideration given to torsion and axial characteristics.

The Importance of Correct Firing Order to a Marine Diesel Engine are:
  1. Engine Vibration

Torsional Vibration – caused by the reciprocating components, this is a highly undesirable condition in a marine engine. Not only for the comfort of passenger and crew, but also for the durability of the engine through undue fatigue.

About the author

Anand Gautam

Anand Gautam is a marine engineer, Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai. He likes to sail onboard ship and is one who is passionate about his job. He loves to share his knowledge, information, and ideas to everyone in a simplified way just for his satisfaction.

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