What is the routine Anchor Windlass maintenance? What inspection and maintenance you will carry out...
Author - Anand Gautam
What type of tubes used in Air comp cooler? Spring type floating U type fixed type ANS.: C The...
What is Power Balancing ? How is it achieved? How to check the...
How to achieve power balancing? Power produced is related to the quantity of fuel injected and...
What are the causes of fatigue failure?
Causes of fatigue failure are: Engine operating with excessive cylinder pressures Tie bolt tension...
Why a crankcase relief door is not fitted in the refrigeration...
Crankcase relief door is not fitted to refrigeration crankcase for following reasons: Possibility...
Explain the procedure of removal of liner in main engine (MAN B...
Here I have referred to a particular MAN B & W MC Engine. You should consult your manual also...
Draw the valve timing diagram of 4 Stroke naturally aspirated...
Differences of the timing of the air inlet and exhaust valves differ between naturally aspirated...
Explain exhaust valve working of your main engine with diagram...
Exhaust valve: Sealing Air: Hydraulic valve actuator gear:
Define Brake power,Indicated power and Mechanical efficiency.
BRAKE POWER: INDICATED POWER: Indicated power is the theoretical maximum output power of the engine...
What is the significance of different types of Indicator cards?
Different types of Indicator diagrams and their purpose: i) Power card – To calculate...