What is meaning of security level 2?

Security level 2:

 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to protect against a heightened risk of a security incident to ensure higher vigilance and tighter control, which may include:

  1. Assigning additional personnel to patrol deck areas during silent hours to deter unauthorized access;
  2. Limiting the number of access points to the ship, identifying those to be closed and the means of adequately securing them;
  3. Deterring waterside access to the ship, including, for example, in liaison with the port facility, provision of boat patrols;
  4. Establishing a restricted area on the shore side of the ship, in close co-operation with the port facility;
  5. Increasing the frequency and detail of searches of persons, personal effects, and vehicles being embarked or loaded onto the ship;
  6. Escorting visitors on the ship;
  7. Providing additional specific security briefings to all ship personnel on any identified threats, re-emphasizing the procedures for reporting suspicious persons, objects, or activities and stressing the need for increased vigilance; and
  8. Carrying out a full or partial search of the ship.

At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggage, which should include 100% x-ray screening of all unaccompanied baggage.


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