What is International Maritime Dangerous Goods or IMDG code?

Written by Amit Sharma

The IMDG code is a very much living document and gets amended from time to time (every 2 years). In the last decade major changes were made to Ems-emergency medical schedule, MFAG and INF codes (carriage of nuclear materials)
IMDG Code means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.122(75)
The objective of the IMDG Code is to enhance the safe carriage of dangerous goods while facilitating the free unrestricted movement of such goods and prevent pollution to the environment

  • It gives a uniform international code of dangerous goods for transportation by sea
  • It gives methods of packing in packets or in container, stowage and segregation of incompatible substances.


About the author

Amit Sharma

Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.

1 Comment

  • ”6.INF code – International code for the safe carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel ,
    7.plutonium and high level radioactive waves on board ships.”

    this is comes under the topic of ”What is International Maritime Dangerous Goods or IMDG code?”

    6 and 7 should me a one line also instead of waves it shall be corrected as wastes

    this is really very a helpful site

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