A document of authorization shall be issued for every ship loaded in accordance with the...
Author - Amit Sharma
Stability -I : Chapter 1
A rectangular tank measures 16mx15mx6m. How many tonnes of oil of RD 0.78 can it hold? SOLUTION:...
How to perform the navigational watch?
The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall : keep the watch on bridge. in no...
What should be pilot transfer arrangements requirements as per...
As per SOLAS chapter V, REGULATION 23:- 1. Application 1.1 Ships engaged on voyages in the course...
What is SSAS or Ship security and alert system and its details?
The ship security alert system is provided to a ship for the purpose of transmitting a security...
Niger Pirates Attack CMA CGM
Pirates have attacked the Liberian-flagged 4,360 TEU CMA CGM Turquoise, kidnapping two crew members...
What are drills requirements for all vessels as per SOLAS?
Drills:- Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill...
What is the Procedure for Shifting Auto to Emergency Steering...
An emergency steering system, as the name suggests, is a system which is used during the failure of...
What are the different Steering modes of Autopilot?
Auto/manual: allows the user to select between manual steering & autopilot. Officer to steer...
What are the settings of Autopilot system?
Permanent helm: To be used only if a constant influence, like cross wind or beam sea is experienced...