Captain's Diary


“Proper maintenance planning will maintain or even increase productivity, while also ensuring equipments is free from risk to health and safety of crew.

Past couple of years shows increases in accidents trends as work in charge is also assigned the duty of safety officer. Company policies defines Chief Engineers are defined as Safety Officer on board but often observed they do not have formal trainings and have limited work place health and safety experience

The risk is if crew or officer in-charge are flooded with work they will generally go back to what they know – which is operational stuff – that’s not necessarily specifically safety focused.
Even the most minor workplace incidents, such as accidents that occur without crew injury, could result in substantial loss in Man hours, while investigations were carried out.

Dedicated Safety person with formal trainings in risk assessment, safe job analysis and foresight for proper and effective implementation of company HSQE policies on board will ensure substantial reduction in the risk of on-board incidents / injuries.

A split second short cut could cost you more time in the long run to rectify the outcome.

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