How piston cooling is done in main engine?

Here, I have explained piston cooling of main engine(Sulzer engine). The working piston consists basically of:

  1. Piston skirt is directly screw fastened to the piston rod.
  2. Piston crown and piston rod are joined by ten elastic bolts 9(indicated by 1 in the figure).
  3. The oil cooling components and piston rings (indicated by 2 in the figure).
  4. Piston rod (indicated by 5 in the figure)
  5. Piston crown (indicated by 1 in the figure)
  6. Piston skirt (indicated by 3 in the figure)
  7. Piston rod is fastened to crosshead pin (indicated by 1 in the figure) in a particular position.
  8. A compression shim is fitted between them (piston rod base and crosshead pin), its thickness being adapted to the compression ratio.


Fig.: Piston cooling of Sulzer engine

About the author

Anand Gautam

Anand Gautam is a marine engineer, Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai. He likes to sail onboard ship and is one who is passionate about his job. He loves to share his knowledge, information, and ideas to everyone in a simplified way just for his satisfaction.

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