Stability – I : Chapter 5

  1. A ship of FWA 175mm goes from water of RD 1.006 to water 0f RD 1.018 . Find the amount of sinkage or rise.

FWA = 175mm = 17.5cm

We can calculate:

Change in draft = 

(Change in RD )x(FWA)

= (1.018 – 1.006) x 17.5 /(0 .025)
= (0.012 x 17.5) /(0 .025)
= 8.4cm

Here change in draft would cause rise of vessel.

  1. A ship’s stability data book gives her load displacement to be 18000 t and TPC to be 25. If she is now loading in DW of RD 1.018, by how much may her be loadline be immerse so that she would not be over loaded.
Solution :

Load displacement = 18000t,
TPC =25.

We know that:
FWA = W/(40 TPC)
= 18000/( 40 x 25 )

We can calculate:

Change in draft = 

(Change in RD )x(FWA)

=(1.025 – 1.018 ) x 18 /0.025
= .05m

Since, Her load line should immersed to 0.05 m so that she will not be loaded.

About the author

Amit Sharma

Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.


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