
Cargo Work Oral (FUNCTION -2)

Oral Questions of Cargo Work (FUNCTION -2)


The following questions came from candidates right after they had finished their oral exam.
1 What is load density? Where will you find it?
2 Show bay plan & how to read it?
3 What is segregation table?
4 What is IMSBC & its content?
5 Explain in detail the ship-shore checklist? What is P,A & R in ship-shore safety checklisT
6 What is MLC & its titles?
7 What are concentrates & its hazards?
8 What are the loading & carrying procedures of coal?
9 What are the different types of pipeline system?
10 What is IMDG MFAG, Ems & UN No?
11 What are the contents of MSDS?
12 What are the markings on container?
13 What is Transportable Moisture Limit?
14 What is load density?
15 What is proof load?
16 What is broken stowage?
17 How will you know the safe working load of crane?
18  What are different types of ropes & wires? What is breaking stress? What is the lay of rope? What does 6×12 means? What is gantline & hawser?
19 What is angle of repose?
20 What are grain hazards?
21 How will you ensure crude for cow doesn’t contain water?
22 How to control dry cargo shifting?
23 What are the precautions in terms of fire & pollution while taking over watch when loading?
24 Explain flammability diagram.
25 What action to take in case of IMDG FIRE?
26 What action to take in case of IMDG SPILLAGE?
27 What is angle of loll, its corrective action & its justification?
28 What is foam system & its type?
29 What is chain register & its contents?
30 What is VECS? & what are the requirements & by which regulations?
31 What precautions are taken for static electricity during cargo operations on tankers?
32 What are the hazards of tank cleaning?
33 What are the precautions on loading coal?
34 What is cargo securing manual & content?  Do u find it on tankers? Why & why not? What are the regulations regarding it?
35 What are the IMDG content & classes?
36 What are the precautions while loading heavy lifts?
37 What is stability booklet & its content?
38 What are the arrangements forward to reduce effect of panting & pounding?
39 What are the preparations for dry docking?
40 What are chlorine carrying precautions?
41 What are ammonia & chlorine uses?
42 How would you carry chlorine on ammonia ships?
43 What is use of IG in tankers
44 What is Purging.
45 Duties of OOW while loading oil
46 What is ship-shore safety checklist for loading
47 What is fixed fire fighting appliances on deck on tankers
48 What are parts of IG plant
49 What is deck water seal , its types and purpose
50 What are hazards & precautions while carrying coal.
51 what are hazards& precautions while carrying rice.
52 what are hazards& precautions while carrying bulk cargoes.
53 What is flow state, TML
54 What is Liquefaction
55 Define load density, SF, SWL.
56 What is use of loadicator
57 What is union purchase and its advantages.
58 p/v valve and p/v breaker, which one is primary and secondary mean for venting.
59 What are different  methods of purging 
60 Why gas not enter from deck seal to engine room. reason.?
61 What are hazard of iron ore, while loading.
62 Grain code. hazard of grain ,angle of repose, wetshife.stowage factor, broken stowage, withn e.g.
63 Loadicator fail how will u load cargo.?
64 IMDG code contain, type of segration done, classification..
65 bay plan,lashing on container and cargo securing manual details
66 Content of BLU code.
67 How will you calculate amount of cargo loaded in your watch.
68 You  saw oil on water near your ship action.
69 How u will prepare your tanks for loading diesel in crude oil tanker?
70 You are 3rd officer on general cargo and you are receiving bagged rice as cargo which is abulk cargo. how you will prepare your holds ?
71 You are 3rd officer on a container ship . how will u take over a cargo watch?
72 Code associated with container loading?
73 On what basis you will reject a container of which you dont know the cargo inside?
74 What is derrick . draw and explain its parts?
75 Difference b/w  BLU and IMSBC code?
76 Ventilation : why and how it is done?
77 Methods of ventilation, in which cargo thorough ventilation is done?
78 What are IMDG  classes?
79 Minimum GM of a cargo vessel?
80 What is stowage factor, broken stowage, load density, tml,fmp,flow state,Liquifaction,Moisture content.
81 Tell about imdg code and its volume 
82 Situation, cargo spill from container containing imdg, and skin contact of same with a crew personnel. Actions
83 What is IMSBC code and its purpose
84 Hazards and how will you go about in preparing for loading coal
85 What is importance of  IG  system in general
86 Difference between pv valve and pv breaker
87 What is annealing. Why you need to do annealing
88 What is chain register
89 When you condemn wire rope
90 Hazards of carrying Coal, Sulphur, Concentrate..
91 What is Angle of repose..
92 What is meaning of segreation of goods..
93 Principle of explosimeter..
94 COW manualing requirement while COW operation ..reason
95 Flammability diagram in detail with sketch
96 What is difference between IBC code and IMSBC code
97 What are alarms on IG pannel
98 What is deck seal, types of deck seal, what does dry,semi dry, wet type mean
99 What is the capacity of IG blowers?
100 What do you understand by scrubber?
101 What are contents of IG?
102 At what % will IG  O2 content high alarm will sound? 
103 What is volatile and non volatile cargo?
104 What is safe oil and unsafe oil.
105 Definition of flashpoint- what was the flash pt of your last cargo?
106 Define LFL and UFL
107 What is purging? why is it required?
108 name all gas monitoring equipments  on your ship
109 how to caliberate the gas measuring instruments?
110 procedures for measuring oxygen by O2 meter.
111 what is chain register?
112 precautions when loading concentrates
113 how will you  know the class of ammonium nitrate?
114 What is MFAG?
115  What is panting and pounding?
116 what are stringer plates? 
117 what is keel rake and stem rake?
118 tell  about L/B launching procedure in detail
119 Latest amemdements to MARPOL. 
120 what is discharge criteria for annex 1
121 contents of ORB, GRB
122 what is stable, unstable, neutral equilibrium of ships
123 what is angle of loll  and its corrective action in detail
124 What is progressive flooding?
125 contents of IMSBC code
126 what are precautions before loading crude oil.
127 what are stages & procedures for COW.
128 what are contents of ISGOTT
129 what is  X, Y , Z category of cargo
130 Actions when IG fails durin discharging.
131 what is CSM CODE
132 How to take over cargo watch?
133 Actions for spill of DG on crew.
134 What Is Stealer Plate ,
135 What Is Margin Plate /Line .
136 Shell Expansion Plan & Its Order Of Marking ,
137 Spare Portable Fire Extinguishers & Marking On It.
138 What is Lifeboat Requirements & Marking On It .
139 What Is Hydrostatic Curves & Tables ?
140 Calculate discharging rate of bulk cargo ship when took over
141  What all other operations are carried during cargo watch 
142 Principle of explosimeter.
143 How does IMSBC code classify cargoes
144 What document to be carried for carrying grain cargo
145 What is intact stabilty requirements for grain cargo
146 what are preparation while loading grain cargo
147 container securing ,lashing means
148 In Ro Ro ship what is axil load
149 In container ship…what is heeling test
150 What is requirements of blower in IG
151 Crude oil washing disadvantages 
152 Different types of piping system on tankers
153 What is stowage factor and its unit
154 What is load density and its unit
155 explain bay plan in detail with sketch
156 What are hazards of grain
157 what all documents  you  should have before  loading grain
158 what all codes are applicable to a bulk carrier
159  What all inforation shall be taken from shipper prior loading on a bulk carriers?
160 Moisture content, FMP, TML
161 How to verify moisture content of concentrates onboard?
162 What is trimmed and untrimmed cargo?
163 Angle of repose, critical angle of repose, which is more likely to shift during voyage,
164 cargo with a lesser or greater angle of repose?
165 What is intact stability?
166 How to determine the max. amount of cargo that can be loaded in a cargo hold?max. height to which it can be loaded.load densities, S.F. were given and was asked to calculate.
167 What is IMDG? Classes of IMDG? Methods of seggregation?
168 Categories of Noxious liquid substances in Bulk
169 Type 1/2/3 chemical tankers
170 P/V breaker and P/V valve pressure ranges (approx)
171 Regulations for carrying out COW.
172 What is a CSC plate?
173 what is stiff and  tender vessel
174 what is hydrostatic draft
175 intact stability criteria for grain with and without DOA
176 what do you understand by tank is purged
177 information we get  from IMDG supplement
178 what are MFAG table
179 what are hazards of concentrate
180  Precautions while loading of locomotive on deck
181 determine hogging  and sagging at port
182 what is  SF  (sheer force n stowage fator),bending moment,load densit
183 loading steel coil(p.load density factor 15) tank top (p.load density 10)//will u load or will u reject state
184 types of splicing and whipping
185 Draw wire rope 6x 36, what does this indicate . 
186 what does INF stands for
187 how to load explosives
188 scrubber oulet gas composition
189 what is certificate of fitness
190 what is secondary tank monitoring system
191 pv breaker got activated , what will  happen to  cargo operation
192 what is P/A manual
193 what all information you  got through loading plan
194 What is union purchase?How will you calculate SWL of union purchase?
195 How will you take over cargo watch?What precaution you will take while cargo loading?What checks you carry out while on watch?
196 Can chemical tanker carry oil? If so then why do we have oil tanker and chemical tanker?
197 What is oil cargo and chemical cargo?
198 Define Type 1 chemical tanker? What is its construction requirement? Where is it given?
199 Contents of IBC code?
200 Under which category of chemical does soya bean oil fall in?
201 Although petrol is hazardous to human health it is listed in list of oil cargo and soya bean oil that we eat is listed in list of chemical cargo, why?
202 What hazardous will soya bean oil will have if it gets spilled on water? Then why do we discharge soya bean oil directly into sea while tank cleaning?
203 Regulation for Inert gas system on a chemical tanker?
204 What is nitrogen inert gas generation plant? What is oxygen content in nitrogen that is used as inert gas?
205 What is IMDG code, explain in detail?
206 Car carrier loading precautions
207 Distance  between cars while loading
208 precautions while loading High density cargo 
209 What is union purchase?How will you calculate SWL of union purchase?
210 How will you take over cargo watch?What precaution you will take while cargo loading?What checks you carry out while on watch?
211 what are markings on container
212 how you will load DG container
213 what is cargo securing manual
214 what are the types of chemical carriers/gas carriers as per the respective
215 codes and explanation of the types?
216 contents of IBC/IGC codes?
217 hazards in loading a bulk carrier?
218 precautions in handling heavy lift?
219 what is a cargo manifest?
220 how will youascertain that a package is properly packed,marked,labeled
221 what is the new code for bulkers?
222 which ships should carry a cargo securing manual?
223 you are loading an oil tanker and IG fails,action
224 tankscope and explosimeter-difference and uses?
225 what are methods of ballast  water exchange.
226 what are factors taken into account during ballast exchange 
227 what is ballast water management convention.
228 why we need ballast water exchange convention 
229 what are regulations for ballast water exchange to take place.
230 What are the types of chemical carriers/gas carriers .
231 what are Contents of IBC and IGC codes?
232 what are Hazards in loading a bulk carrier?
233 what are Hazards and precautions of iron ore, grain , sulphur ?
234 Precautions in handling heavy lift?
235 What is a cargo manifest and its use on ships ?
236 How will you  ascertain that a package is properly packed,marked,labeled
237 What is the new code for bulkers?
238 Which ships should carry a cargo securing manual?
239 you  are loading on oil tanker and IG fails , What is your action ?
240 Tankscope and explosimeter-difference and uses?
241 what are Hazards of coal and sulphur .
242 what are Contents of cargo securing manual and chain register .
243 what are Intact stability criteria for grain  loading?
244 what are Intact stability criteria for tankers .
245 what is Virtual heeling moment ( Grain cargo ).
246 What are the effects on Cb for a vessel ? Advantages and Disadvantages of a vessel with high Cb ?
247 What are the most important plans carried on board ?
248 What is MLC ? How is it advantageous for you as a third officer ?
249 What is Article of Agreement ?
250 You are to perform a Cold Move, you are at the aft station, what are your actions ?
251 Standards of Bridge Watchkeeping as per STCW Code. 
252 What Cargoes do you carry in Bulk Carriers ?
253 You are an OOW and loading IMDG Cargo. Precautions and Actions.
254 How to commence Loading on Tankers ? Single Biggest Hazard at the time of commencing loading?
255 What are the equipments to be used when loading on Tankers.
258 Which is better higher angle of repose or less?
259 Difference between pressure vessels and semi refrigerated vessels?
260 Packaging group, limited quantity, excepted quantity.
261 Show how to calculate the GM?
262 How will you distinguish normal and IMDG container
263 What are codes available for bulkcarrier
264 What is COW  and what is use of COW and requirements
265 When carrying concentrates what hazards and precaution you carried out.
266 Draw a bay-plan and indicate the row and tiers
267 What precaution you carried out during imdg container taken.
268 What is CSC plate and CSC code 
269 What is chain register and content of chain register
270 When will you condemened wire
271 What is the addition requirement for ships not carrying grain code?
272 Describe MFAG. Placarding nd marking of a IMDG cargo?
273 What is a DOC in IMDG goods?
274 What is bundling?
275 Suppose you are on a cargo watch and you sighted a container to be misplaced on deck.What will be your action?
276 What are the various codes  for  bulk carriers
277 What are precautions for loading imdg container
278 What are dangers associated with concentrates
279 Define  explosivemeter  and tankscope, how they differ in operation?
280 How do you calibrate a tankscope.
281 How do you enter a tank which has a few mm of oil and a metre of water.
282 Procedures to carry out COW, tank-cleaning and gas freeing
283 How do you maintain pressure on LPG ships.
284 What is the cause of loss of bulkcarriers at sea.
285 What is the information to be obtained in the shippers decleration when dangerous goods are to be loaded, Does It Contain The Weight Of The Cargo.
286 How will you ensure water tightness of rubber gasketing in hatch pontoons.
287 Requirements for loading bulk grain and explain document of authorisation.
288 How and when will you carry out inerting and purging
289 What are Packing recommendations and tests for packaging.
290 Planning and stowage for loading containers, and calculating stability for the same.
291 Lifting gear inspection – annually & every 5 years.
292 Deck seal purpose, if not functiong should operations be carried out.
293 Action when a component of lifting equipment fails in port.
294 When is load  maximum on derrick.
295 What happens in a union purchase when angle > 120 degree.
296 Crane for 25t, will you load 26t if getting delayed. 
297 What are precautions while Loading steel plates on deck.
298 What is mousing of a cargo hook.
299 Static electricity precautions using UTI tapes and butterworth machines.
300 What is the difference between compatiblity and segregation tables.
301 How would you go about loading crackers on your ship.
302 Precautions when ullage with tape ( manual ).
303 Material & construction of gas tanker tanks.
304 What was your Last cargo: chemical properties, un#, class & hazards.
305 Discharge criteria for phosphoric acid according to ism.
306 Type of pumps on crude oil tankers.
307 Checks prior to starting reciprocal pump.
308 What are IG system alarms according to SOLAS.
309 Draw corrosive label.
310 What are precautions during Loading explosives.
311 What  are  type of cargo as per IMSBC?
312 What are characteristics of non cohesive cargo by nature?
313 How you will load DRI cargo?
314 What is hold preparation for coal loading?
315 How spontaneous combustion occur in coal?
316 How frequent you take temperature of hold in coal and ventillation?
317 Difference  between thorough and surface ventillation?
318 Is your lights in cargo hold for coal is gas proof or explosion proof?
319 What documents  you carry for bulk grain loading?
320 IMDG label dimensions for magazine boxes?
321 What is heeling tanks and what  is difference  between side tanks and heeling tanks?
322 Is CFC is allowed to be used onboard as refrigerant nd allowed by marpol or not?
323 What is too lean and too rich mixtures?
324 What is Difference between  Spar ceiling and limber boards?

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