Section 1 – PRE-ENTRY PREPARATIONS Yes No 1* Has a formal risk assessment been prepared and ...
Author - Vikrant_sharma
What is Turning Circle of Ships and Ship Handling Important...
The circle is the path of the ship’s pivot point as it executes a 360° turn. In shallow water, the...
What is meaning of familiarization checklist on ship for new...
1.Can you communicate with other persons on elementary safety matters? o 2. Have you been...
What is Rudder, its types used on ships in detail ?
The rudder is used to steer the ship. The turning action is largely dependent on the area of the...
Safety Oral (FUNCTION – 3)
The following questions came from candidates right after they had finished their oral exam...
69% Seafarers Suffering Extreme Financial Crisis, Says Maritime...
Overview As the number of seafarer quitting the industry increases every year, we ponder, what is...
What are different types of container used on ships ?
There are many container types in operation to suit a variety of trades. Sizes also vary and they...
Checklist for SEQ survey?
General: A.1 Had any changes been made or new equipment been installed which would affect the...
Cargo Work Oral (FUNCTION -2)
Oral Questions of Cargo Work (FUNCTION -2) The following questions came from candidates...
Stability – I : Chapter 8
A box shaped vessel of displacement 1640t is 50m long 10m wide and 8m high . Find her KB in SW , if...