‘A remorseless and never ending escalation in time and paperwork’ The most obvious, and...
Author - Amit Sharma
What is the difference between Group A and Group C cargoes under...
Cargoes which may liquefy are cargoes which contain a certain proportion of fine particles and a...
What is AIS or Automatic Identification System ?
AIS- Stands for Automatic Identification System Automatic- No human Intervention once the system...
What is Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 (Regulation for the Prevention...
MARPOL Annex I(entered into force on 2nd Oct 1983) Definitions- Oil means petroleum in any form...
What would happen to ships if they do not comply with the ISPS...
The ships which do not comply with the ISPS code requirements, should not be issued with...
An ergonomic nightmare!
‘An ergonomic nightmare’ is an expression often to be heard emanating from the mariner, reflecting...
What are the different types of crankshaft? Explain each type of...
The marine diesel engine crankshaft can be classified as: Fully built Semi built Welded crankshaft...
What is INSPIRES Reporting ?
All Indian ships of tonnage 100 GRT to 299 GRT, which are not fully complying with GMDSS...
EMSA: How Drones will Monitor Ship Emissions?
Global maritime technology innovator Martek Marine stated it has been included on a framework...
What Is Ballast Water Management or BWM Convention?
International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments...