What is Pre Port arrival checklist?

1. PSC officers will always commence their inspection in the Master’s office. It is essential that certification is up to date and valid.

2. If machinery or equipment is damaged or not operating correctly, make a note of it. Also make a note of the corrective action. This will demonstrate to the PSC officer that you are aware of the problem and that you have procedures in place to report and rectify deficiencies.

  1. Bridge Area

1. Nautical publications Valid and as required for the voyage
2. Charts Correct charts for voyages being undertaken and corrected as necessary
3. Magnetic compass Easily readable and correctly adjusted (deviation card)
4. Lights, shapes, sound-signals In good working order
5. GMDSS In good working order & all certified persons trained in its use.
6. EPIRB, SART, RADAR  In working order; updated maintenance records available
7. Fire detection cabinet Alarms in working order
8. EMG. Batteries for GMDSS functioning correctly
  1. Life Saving Appliances

1. Emergency lighting and batteries Functioning correctly and in place
2. Lifeboats Structure sound
3. Lifeboat engine Able to start without difficulty, oil level, fuel quantity, etc. all correct.
4. Lifeboat davit Well maintained and in good working order
5. Lifeboat inventory All as required and in date
6. Lifebuoys Correct number and location and in good condition
7. Lifejackets Correct number and location and in good condition
8. Inflatable life-rafts Clear of obstructions. Weak link correctly positioned and hydrostatic release in date
  1. Accommodation

1. Fire doors Able to close tight and in good condition
2. Fire fighting equipment Available, in place and in good working order
3. Fire control plan In place and up to date
4. Signs, indications (weathertight doors, fire detectors, fire dampers, ventilation) All in place and as required
5. Emergency lighting and batteries Functioning correctly and in place
6. Sanitary facilities Equipment in place, clean and functioning correctly
  1. Deck Area

1. Deck corrosion Ensure deck well maintained, not corroded, holed or wasted
2. Railings, cat walks Ensure all well maintained, not corroded, holed or wasted
3. Cargo and other hatchways Ensure weathertight and the covers are in good

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