Function – 6 ( MEP)

  1. In a positive displacement reciprocating pump, the use of the accumulator is to?
  1. Steady the flow in the discharge section of the pipe.
  2. Dampen the pressure surge on discharge side.
  3. To always maintain a discharge head on the pump.
  4. Both options A & B


  1. The process of depositing chromium on to steel surfaces by diffusion coating is known as :
    1. Galvanising
    2. Chromising
    3. Calorising
    4. Coppering


  1. When running TWO centrifugal Pumps in parallel, Flow rate”Q” is increased.
    1. TRUE
    2. False
    3. May Be
    4. I Don’t know


  1. A refrigerant compressor will run continuously when there is
    1. Too heavy cooling load on the system
    2. Air in the system
    3. Insufficient refrigerant in the system
    4. Any of the above


  1. Which of the following types of boiler burners have maximum turn down ratio? (Y-jet, 20:1)
    1. Pressure jet type
    2. Spinning cup burner
    3. Spill type burner
    4. Y-jet type burner

ANS.:  D

  1. Copper tubing is used in Refrigerant system because
    1. It has less internal resistance
    2. It is cheaper compared to other materials
    3. It is easier to check leaks in copper based system
    4. None of the above



  1. Which of the following is a true statement? (Choose more than one option if true)
    1. Mild steel will be subject to preferential corrosion when in electrical continuity with stainless steel in presence of an electrolyte
    2. Stainless steel will be subject to preferential corrosion when in electrical continuity with Mild steel in presence of an electrolyte
    3. Copper will be subject to preferential corrosion when in electrical continuity with Mild steel in presence of an electrolyte
    4. Zinc will be subject to preferential corrosion when in electrical continuity with Aluminium in presence of an electrolyte

ANS.: A, D


  1. Motor stator winding badly contaminated by dirt, oil and grease should be cleaned by:
    1. High pressure compressed air
    2. Suction or vacuum cleaning
    3. Brushing, spraying or immersion in an approved cleaning solvent
    4. Immersion in fresh water followed by drying


  1. Aluminium being lower than zinc in Galvanic series provides lesser protection to steel compared to the zinc coating. Which one of the following is a true statement?
    1. Aluminium coating provides good corrosion protection compared that of zinc at elevated temperatures
    2. Zinc is always preferred over aluminium coating irrespective of the temperature of metal surface
    3. Aluminium is never used as coating material
    4. Aluminium reacts with steel , so cannot be used for coating steel


  1. Impingement corrosion is a
    1. Physical action
    2. CHEMICAL action
    3. Physical and chemical action
    4. None of the above



  1. Which of the following is NOT a correct point for sampling of system lube oil for on board or shore analysis?
    1. Standpipes
    2. Purifier outlets
    3. Inlet or outlet of L. O. coolers
    4. Tank drains



  1. In which of the following types of refractory failure, softening of the refractory bricks takes place due to presence of sodium/vanadium in fuel?
    1. Spalling
    2. Cracking
    3. Shrinkage cracking
    4. Slagging


  1. A thin layer of electrolyte trapped in small pits on a metal surface, and remaining stagnant over a period of time, may cause:
    1. Erosion
    2. Bimetallic corrosion
    3. Crevice corrosion
    4. Corrosion fatigue


  1. Which of the following statements is False about cleanliness of electric motors?
    1. External motor body cleanliness of totally enclosed is important since the body helps to dissipate heat generated
    2. Dirt, oil, grease and moisture are primary culprits in deterioration of insulation of stator windings of a motor.
    3. High-pressure dry compressed air cleaning is preferred over suction cleaning for stator windings.
    4. Dry compressed air at a high pressure can drive in dirt inside windings instead of removing them.



  1. Surface preparation of steel surfaces, prior carrying out painting isimportant because:
    1. Any rust and contaminant inclusions may cause local paint film breakdown
    2. Too much paint will be consumed if surface preparation is not carried out
    3. Surface will be very rough if proper surface preparation is not carried out
    4. Surface preparation deposits a chemical onto steel surface which reacts with paint film and causes


  1. Increasing the rotational speed of a cargo pump the pump flow rate will:
    1. Increase in direct proportion to the increase in speed
    2. Decrease in direct proportion to the increase in speed
    3. Flow rate doesn’t depend upon speed
    4. Flow


  1. After maintaining correct discharge pressure, soon ceases to discharge water what are possible cause?
    1. Pressure gauge wrong
    2. Pump sucking air
    3. Discharge valve throttled
    4. Casing wear ring is worn


  1. The flow rate through a F.O. transfer pumpwill not be affectedby which of the following factors?
    1. Low F.O. temperature
    2. Low sounding in F.O. tank
    3. Internal leakage within the pump
    4. Leaking discharge valve


About the author

Anand Gautam

Anand Gautam is a marine engineer, Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai. He likes to sail onboard ship and is one who is passionate about his job. He loves to share his knowledge, information, and ideas to everyone in a simplified way just for his satisfaction.

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