EXERCISE 34 – AZIMUTH STAR (Numerical Solution)

  1. On 06th March 2008, AM at ship in DR 24˚ 12’ S 083˚ 46’ E, the azimuth of the star ALTAIR was 078˚(C) when chron showed 10h 38m 40s. If the chron error was 03m 24s FAST and variation was 3˚W, find the deviation for the ship’s head.
GMT     05 March 22h  35m  16s

GHA Ȣ(05d 22h)            134˚  01.0’                                           Dec         N  08˚  53.2’
Incr. (35m 16s)             008˚  50.4’
GHAȢ                              142˚  51.4’
SHA  *                          (+)062˚  12.4’
GHA *                            205˚  03.8’
Long (E)                     (+)083˚  46.0’
LHA  *                            288˚  49.8’

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  • The direction of azimuth .. don’t you think should be N34.4W. it’s written east..in question no. 5 of azimuth star. Please let me know if it’s correct.

  • Good day Sir,

    Just a short question, how do we name every deviation obtained from Azimuth Sun sailing? How do we know its east or west? Thank you

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