1 |
All available charts for passage arranged. |
2 |
Requisition sent for charts / pubs , approach charts for bunker/refuge ports enroute |
3 |
Passage charts checked all corrected to date. |
4 |
Sailing directions and supplements and corrections to sailing directions checked. |
5 |
Light lists all corrected to date and onboard for areas of voyage. |
6 |
ALRS’ all onboard and corrected to date. |
7 |
Tide tables and Tidal Currents for route checked and relavant data collected for ready reference |
8 |
Routing charts checked for guidelines on current and winds for the relevant period |
9 |
Temporary and Preliminary notices checked. |
10 |
Ocean Passages of the World, checked for passage. |
11 |
Draught calculated for the various stages of the passage. |
12 |
Dynamic UKC during passage verified ( inside 30 mtrs contour / Canal / narrow passages ) |
13 |
Navigation marks and lights checked.Radar conspicuous points and coast lines checked. |
14 |
Navigational warnings on Navtex as well as long range NAVAREA warnings |
15 |
Weather reports taken, fax charts taken and weather routing done. |
16 |
Latest US port advisory for list of countries rasining of Security level checked? |
17 |
High Risk Area- Notification to P&I / MSCHOA/UKMTO checked? |
18 |
Precaution/Procedure as per Latesr Best management practicses checked? |
19 |
LSFO requirement for the passage discussed with the Chief engineer ? |
20 |
Requirements for the passage advised by Chief Engineer ( Fuel / Lube/Chemicals/ FW / consumables) |
21 |
If ECDIS fitted on board, Additional Checklist for ECDIS to be filled for passage plan |
Passage plan format must contain all the following elements. |
1 |
Largest scale charts being used. Charts corrected upto latest NM received from digitrace |
2 |
Co’s to be marked on charts in 360 degree notation, and checked against actual Co. |
3 |
Distances between WPs marked. DTG and “waypoint co-ordinates” are marked at each waypoint. |
4 |
Passage plan is prepared berth to berth |
5 |
Waypoints entered into all electronic navigation equipment/ ETA for each way point to be calculated |
6 |
Abort Point are to be marked on Narrow Passage/ Approach charts |
7 |
Hazards, no-go and dangerous areas to be marked on charts including harbour charts /pilotage waters |
8 |
Cross track error margins to be indicated, as applicable, on charts. |
9 |
Bearing and distance from alteration points marked. |
10 |
Radar conspicuous objects, coastline radar objects / shapes, indicated on charts. |
11 |
Passage plan to have ETA to WP and place to record actual passing of WP ( during execution) |
12 |
Danger clearing bearings and distances indicated on charts. |
13 |
Parallel indexing distances to be indicated. |
14 |
Safe and practical speeds for each stage of passage to be decided by Master |
15 |
Areas where restricted visibility may be expected, and additional lookout required are identified |
16 |
Areas where traffic may be heavy or converging /crossing to be indicated. |
17 |
Minimum under keel clearance for each stage to be more than 30 CM after allowing Squat. |
18 |
MARPOL regulations incorporated in Passage plan in relation to Annex 1 , V and VI |
19 |
Contingency Anchorages to be identified on approach chart / vicinity of narrow Passages |
20 |
Strength of navigational watch to be decided for the various stages of the plan. |
21 |
Position fixing frequency to be decided for various stages of passage & included in plan. |
22 |
Tides/ currents written on chart for the narrow passage / ports ? |
23 |
Passage Plan to be Signed by Master / Chief Engineer/All Navigating officers/ cadets. |