Checklist for navigation in coastal or Restricted Water

This checklist is to be completed by the officer once per Watch and entry made in deck log book to record compliance with the checklist
All Charts and Nautical Publications to be used, been corrected up to date and largest scale chart in use YES  /  NO  / NA
Have the following factors been taken into consideration in preparing passage plan  
Advice/Recommendations in Sailing Directions YES  /  NO  / NA
Ships Draught in relation to available water depths YES  /  NO  / NA
Effect of “Squat” on Under keel Clearance in shallow Water YES  /  NO  / NA
Tides and Currents YES  /  NO  / NA
Weather, particularly in areas prone to  poor visibility YES  /  NO  / NA
Available Navigational Aids and their accuracy YES  /  NO  / NA
Position Fixing Methods to be used YES  /  NO  / NA
Daylight/Night Time passing of danger points YES  /  NO  / NA
Traffic likely to be encountered – Flow Type, Volume YES  /  NO  / NA
Requirements for Traffic Separation/Routeing Schemes YES  /  NO  / NA
Geographic area specific traffic situations (e.g) presence of large fishing vessels  and plans to avoid passing within close proximity YES  /  NO  / NA
Measures been taken to monitor boats, crafts approaching or operating in the vicinity ( considering threat of piracy and armed robbery ) YES  /  NO  / NA

Other checks

Engine room informed about vessels plan of passage through these waters YES  /  NO  / NA
 Local/Coastal Warning Broadcasts being monitored YES  /  NO  / NA
Participation in Area Reporting Systems recommended including VTS being followed YES  /  NO  / NA
Courses been laid off well clear of obstructions YES  /  NO  / NA
Ship’s position being Fixed at regular intervals and monitored YES  /  NO  / NA
Errors of Gyro/Magnetic Compasses being checked regularly YES  /  NO  / NA
Echo Sounder in operation where required YES  /  NO  / NA
Manual steering checked and both steering motors ready for use YES  /  NO  / NA
Both Radar/ARPA ON and parallel indexing used YES  /  NO  / NA
Radar performance / Heading line marker alignment checked YES  /  NO  / NA
OOW prepared to use engines YES  /  NO  / NA
Look out /Helmsman on bridge as appropriate YES  /  NO  / NA
Bridge manning level as per company requirements YES  /  NO  / NA
Light and sound signalling apparatus tested and kept ready YES  /  NO  / NA
Relevant VHF channel monitored YES  /  NO  / NA
NAVTEX / Weather fax reports being taken YES  /  NO  / NA
Master fully informed about the situation YES  /  NO  / NA
Optimum use of all navigational aids made for position fixing/collision avoidance YES  /  NO  / NA
Measures taken to protect the environment  from pollution and to comply with applicable pollution regulations YES  /  NO  / NA
Anchor lashings removed and anchor ready for use (if necessary ) YES  /  NO  / NA
Other ship specific checks :

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