Does the passage planning include Pilotage waters?

Passage planning includes pilotage waters. Pre-arrival plan should be for anchoring or aborting port entry. The plan should also include contingency measures such as equipment failure, poor visibility etc.

The Pilot Card should be updated. The card contains information on ship’s draft, speed, turning circle and a checklist of all equipment available and working.

The ship initiates a pre-arrival information exchange about 24 hours before her ETA pilot point. The Ship to Shore Master/ Pilot Exchange and Shore to Ship Pilot/ Master Exchange forms can be used. These information exchanges can be by facsimile transmission and will vary from ship to ship, port to port.

It is better to keep them to the basics and have them the minimum possible to avoid confusion. Where passage can last for many hours situations may change, which will need changing of the plan.

When pilot comes on board, he will have ample time to discuss the berthing with the master of the ship. The pilot should be handed over the Pilot Card and shown the wheelhouse poster, which provides the summary of the manoeuvring information of the ship.

The outward-bound passage plan can be discussed with the inward pilot and made accordingly.


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