What led to the development of the ISPS Code?

In November 2001, two months after the “9/11” attacks, IMO‘s 22nd Assembly adopted resolution A.924 (22) Review of measures and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism which threaten the security of passengers and crews and the safety of ships, which called for a thorough review of all existing measures already adopted by IMO to combat acts of violence and crime at sea. 
The Assembly agreed to hold a diplomatic conference on maritime security in December 2002, to adopt any new regulations that might be deemed necessary to enhance ship and port security and prevent shipping from becoming a target of international terrorism and it also agreed to a significant boost to the Organization’s technical co-operation programme of £1.5 million, to help developing countries address maritime security issues.
The ISPS Code and other maritime security measures were developed by IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and its Maritime Security Working Group before being adopted by a Conference n Maritime Security in December 2002, with entry into force set for 1 July 2004. 

 Main objectives of ISPS code are:
