What is Urgency and Safety communications ?

Example :

PAN PAN (x3)
All stations (x3) or Name of the station (x3)
This is
Name (x3)/ call sign/ MMSI of the station send message.
This is
Ship’s Name / Call sign/ MMSI
Nature of urgency
Require of Tug/ Tow/ Medical advise
Name of ship
Date/ Time (UTC)

Note:- Time in UTC

Urgency communication has highest priority except distress

A station which receives the urgency alert/ signal which is not followed by the urgency message shall:-

  1. Continue to listen for minimum 05 minutes on the appropriate frequency.
  2. At the end of the period, if urgency message is heard, a land station, if possible be notified of the receipt of the urgency signal.
  3. Thereafter normal working may be resumed.

Man Over Board :-

Distress priority for DSC (alerting) purpose but the subsequent RT procedure still requires the urgency signal PANPAN.


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