What is survey report of BC code ?

Part D – Appendix “B” Annual Survey

  • At Annual Survey, for verification of the requirements for the carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes in accordance with Appendix ‘B’ of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes, the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of that Code.

The Certificate of Compliance for the Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes has been endorsed as follows:


General Report

Refer to detailed information below regarding:
  • Repairs and/or renewals carried out —–
  • Alterations affecting the BC Code Certificate of Compliance —–
  • Renewals and/or replacements affecting the list of Appendix ‘B’ solid bulk cargoes attached to the Certificate of Compliance —–
  • The list of Appendix ‘B’ solid bulk cargoes has been amended accordingly —-
  • The relevant amended pages of the list of Appendix ‘B’ solid bulk cargoes are attached/will be forwarded* to Head Office/Authorized Plan Approval Centre* —–
  • If required by current instructions, copies of Interim Certificates/Reports/ and fax advice of Survey* have been forwarded to the national authorities —–
  • A Survey Checklist has been completed (as applicable) in all respects and is retained in this office —–
  • Other relevant information (if necessary use and attach additional sheets) —-
  1. Compliance with the BC Code is not mandatory, however the Port State Control of a number of major trading nations require ships entering their ports to be provided with a certificate indicating that compliance with the Code has been achieved. In such instances the requirements of this Report and the accompanying BC Code Survey Checklist are applicable.
  2. Some Appendix ‘B’ cargoes are given an IMO Dangerous Goods Class. If one of these cargoes is required to be carried it may be necessary for a Document of Compliance for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods to be issued. This is a mandatory requirement for a ship carrying, or intending to carry, Dangerous Goods as defined in 1974 SOLAS Ch VII, Regulation 2, except class 6.2 and 7, and is: a passenger ship constructed on or after 1 September 1984; or a cargo ship of 500 gross tons or over constructed on or after 1 September 1984; or a cargo ship of less than 500 gross tons constructed on or after 1 February 1992. Ships falling outside these parameters may also be required to be issued with a Document of Compliance, usually to satisfy Port State inspections. If one of these cargoes is required to be carried, this should be brought to the Owners attention and a Dangerous Goods Survey carried out if necessary, by reference to the survey instructions covering the carriage of dangerous goods.
  1. The Annual Survey applies to all ships which hold a Certificate of Compliance for the carriage of Appendix ‘B’ solid bulk cargoes. The Renewal Survey should be held when the existing Certificate of Compliance expires. The purpose of these surveys is to ensure that:
  • The ship and its equipment are maintained to conform to the requirements of the BC Code; and
  • The ship remains fit in all respects to carry those cargoes listed on the Certificate of Compliance.
  1. After completion of an Annual Survey, the Certificate of Compliance is to be endorsed.
  2. A nnual Surveys should be held within three months before or three months after the anniversary date of the Certificate of Compliance.
  3. A nniversary date means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the expiry date of the Certificate of Compliance.
  4. The Certificate of Compliance shall cease to be valid if the Annual Survey is not carried out within the specified period.
  5. The expiry date of any Certificate of Compliance for the carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes should be harmonized with that of the Safety Construction Certificate.
  6. An additional survey shall be held after the repair of a defect or replacement or renewal of equipment that affects the safety of a ship or the completeness of its equipment with respect to the applicable requirements of Appendix ‘B’ of the BC Code. Such repairs, replacements or renewals should be reported by the Master to the organization responsible for the issue of the relevant certificate, in order that an additional survey may be held if considered necessary.


Every effort must be made to complete the survey in one operation but, if this cannot be achieved due to lack of facilities or other justifiable reason and only items of a minor nature are outstanding, arrangements should be made for the survey to be completed at the next port. Full particulars should be left on board and the surveyors at the next port advised accordingly. The Certificate of Compliance should not be endorsed until the survey has been entirely completed.

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Survey Checklist

Survey requirements for the carriage of solid bulk cargoes as listed in the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes 2001. This survey checklist lists those cargoes falling under Appendix ‘B’ of the BC Code, together with their UN number, BC Code number and IMO Dangerous Goods Class, where applicable. A column also details the survey requirements for each cargo, which are the hardware requirements extracted from the BC Code.

The surveyor should ascertain which of the Appendix ‘B’ solid bulk cargoes are required to be carried, by reference to the existing Certificate of Compliance or Owner’s instructions.

The survey requirements will differ depending upon which solid bulk cargoes are to be carried. The applicable survey requirements are those stated in this checklist for each cargo listed on the Certificate of Compliance. Entries made in boxes are a cross (X) for the answers “yes” and “applicable”, a dash (-) for the answer “not applicable” and (N) for “not complied with”.The requirements stated in this checklist should be used in precedence to any requirements stated elsewhere, which may have been superseded.

For an Annual Survey, an examination of all the applicable items of equipment should be carried out, together with tests as considered necessary, all to an extent which, in the surveyor’s judgement, indicates adequate condition until the next due survey given proper maintenance.

The stringency of the survey is to be to the surveyor’s satisfaction and in general will depend upon the condition of the equipment. The Renewal Survey should be a thorough and complete examination with tests where appropriate. On completion, the equipment should, given adequate routine maintenance, be expected to remain in good condition and working order until the next Renewal Survey.

If any shortcomings are noted then the cargoes to which that requirement is applicable cannot be carried and should be removed from the Certificate of Compliance.

It should be noted that a Certificate of Compliance can only be issued covering the solid bulk cargoes as listed in the current edition of the BC Code, and it is the Owners responsibility to provide an IMO recognised name exactly as it is stated in the BC Code. On no account should a Certificate of Compliance be issued listing any cargo which is not covered by the BC Code. 

Certificates of Compliance are no longer issued listing the carriage requirements for each cargo. A general reference is now made on the certificate to the requirements of the BC Code.

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