What is importance of Chart catalogue ?

Its most portion comprises of a diagrammatic representation of limits of navigational charts in various regions and in addition to this the BA chart number, title of charts, date of the publication date of hew edition & natural scale for all the charts are shown in the geographical region.

It also gives the details of the agent info to procure them, with the price of each item; it is also referred as (NP 131)

Indian chart catalogue publishes on 1st January, every year.

The ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue (ADC) provides a comprehensive and up-to-date reference of ADMIRALTY Maritime Products & Services, including Standard Navigational Charts and Publications, as well as AVCS, ARCS, and ADMIRALTY ECDIS Services.  Users can search for these products by type, scale, or a defined route, with weekly updates available online to keep you fully up-to-date.

The ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue simplifies the passage planning process by making the identification of T&P NMs relevant to the intended voyage quick and easy. The Catalogue allows T&P NMs to be displayed geographically, searched, viewed either individually or as a user-defined group, saved, and printed.

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Chart catalogue (NP 131) :
  • It has 39 sections & 10 parts
  • It is revised & republished on 1st December, every year.
  • It gives the date of publication, Diagrammatic index of coverage date of the current edition, the coverage area of publication & titles of various charts & publication.

Any correction importance is corrected by seeing II- WNM at the front


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