What is Hot Work and its Significance Onboard ?

Even after receiving the Office approval for the work plan, it remains the Master’s responsibility to decide whether Hot Work shall be permitted or not. He is fully empowered not to carry out the Hot Work, if he deems conditions prevalent at that time to be unsafe.

If at anytime it is considered unnecessary for the work to commence or to continue, then the Master shall stop the operation and withdraw the authorization, informing the Office of his actions.

If any person considers it unsafe for the work to commence or continue, he shall bring this to the attention of the officer responsible for safety. If the issue cannot be resolved it shall be referred to the Master who may suspend or stop the operation and amend or withdraw the authorization, informing the Office accordingly.


Hot work is strictly prohibited on board during:

  • Loading / Discharging.
  • Ballasting / De-ballasting clean or dirty ballast.
  • COW / Tank cleaning.
  • Inerting / purging or gas-freeing.
  • Bunkering / De-slopping operations.
  • Internal transfer of cargo, bunkers or slops.

No hot work may be carried out in any part of the ship whilst at a tanker terminal, without the express permission of the terminal manager or the loading master.

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