What is difference between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze ?

  1. A dry desert coast as opposed to forests or swamps.
  2. High ground near the coast.
  3. A weak prevailing wind.
  4. A clear or partly cloudy sky.

A cold current along the coast also has the effect of favouring the establishment of a well-marked sea breeze.

Small islands less than 5 to 10 miles in diameter will not usually produce land and sea breezes.

As the land is heated during the daytime the air over it will be heated by conduction. 

This heating causes a decrease in the density of the air, and the pressure falls.

The sea temperature remains more or less the same and the pressure over it is high compared with that over the land.  The pressure gradient is sufficient for air to flow from over the sea to the land; this is the sea breeze.

The sea breeze (about force 3 – 4) sets in during the morning, reaches its maximum strength about 1400 hours and then dies away towards sunset.

After sunset the land cools rapidly and the air above it also cools and its density increases giving rise to an increase in pressure. 

The pressure over the sea is now low compared with that over the land.  The pressure gradient causes air to flow from the land to the sea; this is the LAND BREEZE.

The land breeze (generally very light compared to sea breeze) sets in shortly after sunset and continues until dawn.



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