What is Cargo handling preparation for Ro/Ro ships ?

Unlashing work

Basically corresponding to lasing work. However unloading is carried out at a higher pace, and if lashing materials, which have been taken off, are left in the passage, they cause accidents involving workers and vehicles. Make sure that they have been taken off completely and correctly.

Unloading supervision

Though corresponding to above: Loading supervision, unloading supervision should be made by paying attention to the following points:

  • *Make sure that those vehicles bound for other ports will not be unlashed.
  • *Make sure that the wrong cargo will not be unloaded and that there will be no leftover.
  • *Vehicles tend to get damaged, e.g., dents, scratches, and more often during unlashing and unloading while moving around in the hold packed with stowed vehicles. Make sure to prevent such damage.


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