What is Bunker Safety checklist as per ISGOTT ?



Ship Barge Code Remarks
5. The barge is securely moored.     R
6. There is a safe means of access between the ship and barge.     R
7. Effective communications have been established between responsible officers. A     R (VHF/UHF Ch ……)

Primary system:


Back up system:


Emergency Stop Signal:


8. There is an effective watch on board the barge and on the ship receiving bunkers.
9. Fire hoses and fire fighting equipment on board the barge and ship are ready for immediate use.
10. All scuppers are effectively plugged. Temporarily removed scupper plugs will be monitored at all times. Drip trays are in position on decks around connections and bunker  tank vents.     R
11. Initial line up has been checked and unused bunker connections are blanked and fully bolted.
12. The transfer hose is properly rigged and fully bolted and secured to manifold on ship and barge.
13. Overboard valves connected to the cargo system , engine room bilges and bunker lines are closed and sealed.
14. All cargo and bunker tank hatch lids  are closed.
15. Bunker tank contents will be monitored at regular intervals. A     R at intervals not exceeding……..minutes
16. There is a supply of oil spill clean-up material readily available for immediate use.
17. The main radio transmitter aerials are earthed and Radars are switched off.
18. Fixed VHF / UHF transceivers and AIS equipment are on the correct mode or switched off.
19. Smoking rooms have been identified and smoking restrictions are being observed. A      R Nominated Smoking Rooms

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