M.V./M.T……………………… Date:………………….
Initial Preparation: |
Ensure app personnel are aware of intention to bunker and emergency response procedures | |
Discuss bunkering plan & tank sequence with officers involved | |
Check all bunker tank air pipes are open and unblocked | |
Ensure all sounding pipes caps are tight, except when sounding tank | |
Check all bunker tank high level alarms are functioning | |
Prior to Bunkering: | |
Check weight of hose does not exceed SWL of vessel’s lifting gear | |
Check delivery note quantity and specification are correct, sulphur contents less than 3.5 % and if for SECA less than 1.0% | |
Discuss bunkering plan with supplier / Has checklist 23a been complied with. | |
Discuss vessel’s emergency response procedures with suppliers | |
Discuss supplier’s own emergency response procedures | |
Carry out analysis with vessel’s fuel test kit (if carried) | |
Conduct compatibility test, if necessary | |
Sight agree and record shore/barge meter readings | |
Sampling and procedure and point by suppliers in accordance with Marpol annex VI | |
Vessel drawing its own Marpol annex VI sample | |
During Bunkering: | |
Commence bunkering at minimum pumping rate | |
Monitor supply line pressure | |
Examine hose connection for leakage | |
Reduce pumping rate and/or open next tank before topping up | |
Close valves as each tank is completed | |
Witness, date, jointly countersign & retain sealed bunker samples | |
Ensure sufficient ullage in final tank for hose draining/line blowing | |
Notify supplier when final tank is reached | |
Confirm continuous drip sample being drawn by the supplier in a sealed container. | |
On Completion Of Bunkering: | |
Ensure all hoses are fully drained | |
Close and blank off manifold connection | |
Blank off disconnected hose coupling | |
Reconfirm all bunker line and tank filling valves are secured | |
Sight, agree and record shore/barge meter readings | |
Marpol sampling from suppler received in sealed container (minimum amount 400 ml preferably > 750 ml.
1 CommentLeave a Comment |
please update sulphure content it is 0.5% and for SECA 0.1%
thank you making good notes