Admiralty List of lights and Fog Signals:-
The eleven volumes that make up the UKHO’s series of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals (NP74 – NP84) provide a complete and comprehensive listing of all lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks (over 8m in height), fog signals and lights of navigational significance.
Information contained within each publication focuses primarily on the characteristics of lights and fog signals, together with a detailed and comprehensive listing of equivalent foreign language light descriptions. Tables for the calculation of the geographical and luminous ranges of lights are also included.
Details for all lights listed within each publication are tabulated to include:
Are you sure that there are 11 Volumes and not 12 in A.L.L?
As per my source there are 12 Volumes and also please mention the date on which the article was published as then we can know whether we are reading an up-to- date content or not, it will be useful.
BTW it’s a great website to learn and revise, keep up the good work.