
What does the code MOLU 2210 stands for as per container marking ?

  • closed containers
  • closed and heated container
  • insulated and heated container
  • refrigerated container
  • refrigerated container with removable equipment
  • open top container
  • platform
  • tank container
  • bulk container and livestock
  • air container
  • The fourth digit specifies the precise sub-category of container within the above type.

22- These two digits are known as the size code.

  • The last two digits are known as the type code.
2040 _ 20′ (6058) 8′ (2438) Box, isothermic
2200 22G0 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Non-vented
2210 22G1 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Passive Vents
2231 22R0 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Refrigerated, needs external power
2232 22R1 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Refrigerated & Heated, needs external power
2251 22U1 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Open Top
2260 22P0 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Flat
2263 22P3 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Flat, Collapsible Solid Ends
2264 22P4 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Flat, Collapsible Posts
2270 22T0 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Tank, non-dangerous liquids, test pressure 0.45 Bar
2276 22T6 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Tank, dangerous liquids, test pressure 6.0 bar
2277 22T7 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Tank, gases, test pressure 9.1 Bar
2278 22T8 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Tank, gases, test pressure 22.0 bar
2280 22B0 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Bulk, Non-pressurized, hopper type, closed
2283 22B1 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Bulk, Non-pressurized, hopper type, airtight
2285 22B3 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Bulk, Pressurized, horizontal discharge, test pressure 150 kPa
2288 22B6 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Bulk, Pressurized, tipping discharge, test pressure 265 Kpa
2289 _ 20′ (6058) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Collapsible
4300 42G0 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Non-vented
4310 42G1 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Passive Vents
4331 42R0 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Refrigerated, needs external power
4537 42R3 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Refrigerated & Heated, self powered
4351 42U1 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Box, Open Top
4360 42P0 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Flat
4361 42P1 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Flat, Solid Fixed Ends
4364 42P4 40′ (12192) 8’6″ (2591) Flat, Collapsible Posts
4500 45G0 40′ (12192) 9’6″ (2895) Box (high cube), Non-vented
4510 45G1 40′ (12192) 9’6″ (2895) Box (high cube), Vented
4536 45R2 40′ (12192) 9’6″ (2895) Box, Refrigerated, self powered
4537 45R3 40′ (12192) 9’6″ (2895) Box, Refrigerated & Heated, self powered
9510 L5G1 45′ (13716) 9’6″ (2895) Box (high cube), Vented
_ MNG1 48′ (14630) 9’6″ (2895) Box (high cube), 102″ Wide, Vented
_ MPG1 48′ (14630) 9’6″ (2895)

Box (high cube), 102″ Wide, Vented


About the author

Amit Sharma

Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.
