What are the Hazards Involved in Entering and Working in Confined Spaces?


Unless a Chemist has certified a space as Safe. assume that any substance (liquids, vapors, gases, mists, solid materials, and dusts) in a confined space can be hazardous.

Toxic substances may range from fast acting poisons to long term cancer causing carcinogens. Toxic substances can come from the following:

  • The product stored in the space:

The product can be absorbed into the structure and give off toxic gases when removed or when cleaning out the residue of a stored product, toxic gases can be given off.

Example: Removal of sludge or mud from a tank

  • Decomposed material can give off deadly hydrogen sulfide gas.
  • The work being performed in a confined space:

Examples of such include welding, cutting, brazing, painting, scraping, sand blasting, degreasing, etc. Toxic atmospheres are generated in various processes.

For example, cleaning solvents are used in many industries for cleaning/degreasing. The vapors from these solvents are very toxic in a confined space.

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