At short intervals
- Look out visually-check RADAR display.
- Consider ships position reset alarms.
At intervals not exceeding 1 hour
- check compass – check engine rpm.
- check heading – check general ship status.
During each watch
- calibrate instruments
- Verify compass input & alignments.
- Verity compass error & log in deviation book.
- Cheek radar performance.
- Check auto/hand steering transfer.
- Observe the weather & read weather report.
At watch handover
- check the track/heading
- Read any standing orders.
- Become familiar with traffic situation.
- Consider the weather.
- On leaving write the log.
- Carry out a visual inspection of vessel.
At daily intervals
- Obtain time cheeks & synchronise clocks.
- Update draught and trim Update charts and publication.
- Test alarms, navigational lights, whistle.
- Test radio equipment distress auto alarms.
- Alternate the steering systems.
OOW self checks
- Check working after first result obtained
- Formulate approximate results before working out detailed calculations.
- Plan ahead, such as (a) Time of taking the watch, the position at the end of watch.
- Adopt practices which are soft checking, such as more than two PL with each fix.
- Check a parallel index with a position fix to verify that the range chosen was not in error.
- Do not rely on one method of fixing when additional methods are available.
- Use the echo sounder to check depth when approaching land, to augment other navigational information.
- Verify the compass bearing of an approaching vessel visually or on radar at least 3 times.
- Use cheek lists.
- Monitor any action taken is having desired effect.

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