What are Cargo information that shall be available prior to loading as per IMSBC code?

Cargo information shall be confirmed in writing and by appropriate shipping documents prior to loading.

The cargo information shall include:
  1. The BCSN when the cargo is listed in IMSBC code. Secondary names may be used in addition to the BCSN; ( Each solid bulk cargo in IMSBC code has been assigned a Bulk Cargo Shipping Name (BCSN). When a solid bulk cargo is carried by sea it shall be identified in the transport documentation by the BCSN. The BCSN shall be supplemented with the United Nations (UN) number when the cargo is dangerous goods.)
  2. The cargo group (A and B, A, B or C);
  3. The IMO Class of the cargo, if applicable;
  4. The UN number preceded by letters UN for the cargo, if applicable;
  5. The total quantity of the cargo offered;
  6. The stowage factor;
  7. The need for trimming and the trimming procedures, as necessary;
  8. The likelihood of shifting, including angle of repose, if applicable;
  9. Additional information in the form of a certificate on the moisture content of the cargo and its transportable moisture limit in the case of a concentrate or other cargo which may liquefy;
  10. Likelihood of formation of a wet base
  11. Toxic or flammable gases which may be generated by cargo, if applicable;
  12. Flammability, toxicity, corrosiveness and propensity to oxygen depletion of the cargo, if applicable;
  13. Self-heating properties of the cargo, and the need for trimming, if applicable;
  14. Properties on emission of flammable gases in contact with water, if applicable;
  15. Radioactive properties, if applicable; and
  16. Any other information required by national authorities.


Note :-

The primary   aim  of the  International   Maritime   Solid  Bulk  Cargoes  Code  (IMSBC Code), which   replaces  the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code),  is to facilitate  the safe stowage  and shipment  of solid bulk  cargoes  by providing   information   on the dangers associated  with  the shipment  of certain  types  of solid bulk  cargoes  and  instructions   on the procedures  to be adopted  when  the  shipment  of solid  bulk  cargoes  is contemplated.

The IMSBC  Code,  adopted  on  4  December   2008  by  resolution   MSC.268 (85l,   entered  into force on 1 January 2011, from which  date it was made mandatory  under the provisions  of the SOLAS Convention.  The Code  was  amended   by  resolution   MSC.318 (89),   incorporating   amendment 01-11, which   entered into  force  on  1 January  2013.  The  Code  was  further   amended   by resolution   MSC.354(92),   incorporating amendment   02-l3,  which  may be applied  from  1 January 2014 on a voluntary   basis, anticipating   its envisaged official  entry  into force  on 1 January 2015,

IMSBC Code is supplemented by  the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading  of Bulk Carriers (BLU  Code including  BLU  Manual) & recommendation on  the safe use of pesticides  in ships applicable   to the fumigation   of cargo  holds.  It also includes  a directory of  contact   names and  addresses of offices  of  designated  national  competent   authorities   responsible  for the safe carriage of grain and solid bulk  cargoes.  IMSBC Code and supplement   is commended   to Administrations, ship owners,   shippers  and  masters  and  all  others  concerned   with  the  standards  to  be  applied   in the  safe stowage and shipment  of solid  bulk  cargoes, excluding  grain.


About the author

Amit Sharma

Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.

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