What are action in case of Cargo Loss on ships ?


The ships double hull construction and blanked over boards make cargo oil loss over side via hull leakage a very unlikely occurrence, however cargo leakage/loss from a cargo tank into a ballast or void space cannot be discounted. A gas detection in ballast tanks, void spaces or pumproom would probably give the first indication of a problem and the following check list should be used to follow up on any such alarm or where there is suspicion of oil leakage. 



WHO DONE Req’d by Managing office
*RA             *WR        *DE
01 Answer pump room gas alarm if activated/Ballast tank gas detected. OOW X
02 Obtain gas reading and dip of suspect tank OOW X
03 Inform the Master C/O or OOW
04 If reading false, investigate and correct problem C/O and C/E X
If oil/gas found, continue below
05 Try and identify which tank leak is coming from (Saab gauges?) C/O & Master X X
06 Inform London office Master X X X
07 Consider reducing IG in suspect tank. C/O X
08 Dip/test adjacent ballast tanks, voids C/O X X
09 Consider transfer of cargo Master,C/O X X X
10 Consider inerting affected space using spool piece from IG connections on mainline. Master,C/O X X
11 If leakage heavy then consider fitting bobbin piece between ballast and cargo line to drain out oil. Master, C/O, C/E X X
12 Consider stability criteria Master, C/O X X X
13 Consider stress criteria Master, C/O X X X
14 Consider trim Master, C/O X X
15 Record all relevant details OOW, Master X X
16 Seek further advice from London office on above Master X X
If Contamination/Loss in Port
17 Stop cargo/Check Overside/Locate cause CO/OOW X X X
18 Contain contamination/assess loss CO/OOW/Master X X X
19 Note tanks causing problems CO/OOW X
20 Contact P&I,Inform Home office,Local authorities Master X X X
21 Inform Agent Master X X X
22 Enter all facts/Photographs Master X X
23 Take samples OOW/CO X X

In all cases of Oil Spill, follow C 6 & SOPEP / VRP as appropriate.

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