
Safety Oral (FUNCTION – 3)

The following questions came from candidates right after they had finished their oral exam.
Controlling Operation of Ship and Care for Persons Onboard at Operational Level (COSCPOOL)
Basic terms and hydrostatics
1. Define Length overall (LOA), Length between perpendicular (LBP), forward & aft perpendicular, moulded breadth, moulded depth, breadth (extreme), depth (extreme), draft, sheer, camber,  strake, bulwark, swash bulkhead, gunwale, beam, girder, limber hole, freeboard, reserve  buoyancy, rise of floor, bilge radius, tumblehome, flare, margin line, deck line, density, relative  density, Archimedes’ principle, trim, loadline, displacement, lightweight, deadweight, tonnage,  gross tonnage, net  tonnage.
2. What is law of floatation, centre of buoyancy, centre of gravity?
3. What shall be the effect on centre of gravity due to shifting of masses, addition of masses?
4. Define waterplane coefficient, block coefficient, midship section coefficient, prismatic coefficient  and relationship between them.
5. Define Tonnes per centimetre (TPC), fresh water allowance, dock water allowance.
6. What is Plimsoll mark? Explain with diagram. What are the conditions of assignment of freeboard?
7. What is Bonjean curve?
8. What is Dynamic stability and Static stability?
9. Explain stable equilibrium, neutral equilibrium and unstable equilibrium.
10. Explain angle of loll.
11. Explain inclining experiment.
12. Draw GZ and KN curve.
13. Define permeability. Why tankers have less freeboard?
14. What are the types of resistance acting on a ship?
15. Define pitch, diameter, pitch ratio, theoretical speed, apparent speed, apparent slip, real slip,  wake, wake fraction of a propeller.
16. Does the TPC of box shape vessel remain same or it changes with draft?
17. Why aft trim is preferable?
18. What are the degrees of freedom of a ship?
19. Why rudder movement is confined to 35 degrees?

Ship construction

1.         Draw midship section of a bulk carrier.
2.         Draw midship section of an oil tanker.
3.         What are the stresses on a ship?
4.         What is racking?
5.         What is panting? What arrangements are made to resist panting? Explain with diagram.
6.         What is pounding? What arrangements are made to resist pounding? Explain with diagram.
7.         What is collision bulkhead? State its regulations as per SOLAS.
8.         What is bulbous bow? State its regulations as per SOLAS.
9.         What are the types of keel and which keel is used where?
10.      What is bilge keel and its purpose?
11.     On what ships longitudinal framing and transverse framing are used in double bottom? (Talk in terms of length of ship)
12.     Draw longitudinally framed and transverse framed double bottom.
13.     What all structural members are present in double bottom of machinery spaces?
14.     How watertightness of hatch covers are maintained?
15.     What are the types of bulkhead? What is watertight bulkhead and corrugated bulkhead?
16.     How testing of hatch cover is done?
17.     What is hawse pipe, spurling pipe, bitter end? Draw anchor and cable arrangement. What is  fathom, shackle?
18.     What is transom stern, cruiser stern, stern frame?
19.     What are the types of rudder? Explain with diagram.
20.     With the help of diagram show horizontal and vertical shell plating and end plate connection.
21.     What is hogging and sagging? How are they caused?
22.     How can we correct list of vessel?
23.     What measures are taken to prevent rolling?
24.     What happens with change in centre of gravity and metacentre? What is longitudinal metacentre?
25.     What is the difference between tanker and bulk carrier structure wise?
26.     What is tender ship and stiff ship?
27.     What is difference between watertight and weathertight door?
28.     What is righting lever?
29.     Explain the procedure of  getting the delivery of a ship since its ordering till delivery?
30.     How does a ship float  ?
31.     Why rudder stock diameter is preferred more than 230mm?
32.     What is margin plate? Where it is used and why?
33.     What is parametric rolling?



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