EXERCISE 31 — INTERCEPT SUN (Numerical Solution)

  • While using below formula, one must be careful about   +   signs.
  • If Lat and Dec are of same name then sign is (+).  
  • If of contrary names then it has to be (-).

dia 1

We know that :
Cos CZD = ( Cos P × Cos Dec × Cos Lat) + ( Sin Lat × Sin Dec )
Cos CZD = ( Cos 47˚ 48.1’ × Cos 06˚ 00.4’ × Cos 38˚ 11’ ) + ( Sin 38˚ 11’ × Sin 06˚ 0.4’ )
CZD = 53˚  51.7’

Sext Alt                            35˚ 59.1’
IE (off)                              (+) 01.3’
Observed Alt                  36˚ 00.4’
Dip (HE 30m)                  (-)  09.6’
App Alt                           35˚ 50.8’
T Corrn. LL                       (+)14.9’
T Alt                                 36˚ 05.7’
TZD                                 53˚ 54.3’

TZD              =   53˚ 54.3’
CZD             =   53˚ 51.7’
Intercept    =   02.6’ AWAY

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  • I think your example 5 is incorrect. the LHA is 46 31.5 but in your ABC calculations you have used 47 31.5. also your Tan AZ of 2.705 is incorrect.

    I believe the correct AZ is 290.2 degrees

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