2 Is vessel issued with an exemption certificate? If so, has copy of the exemption certificate been forwarded to HO along with survey reports? At change of flag surveys, if an exemption certificate has been issued by the previous flag state, has authorization been received from HO or new flag state regarding acceptance of the exemption (SAFCON certificate not to be issued unless confirmed by HO). 3 Is there evidence of approval of the cargo-securing manual (for vessels carrying cargoes other than solid or liquid bulk cargoes) by the organization that issued the previous SAFCON certificate? If not, the cargo-securing manual is to be submitted for approval to HO. 4 Is there evidence of approval of the loading manual (for vessels over 100 meters length) by the organization that issued the previous SAFCON certificate? If not, the loading manual is to be submitted for approval to HO. If the vessel has a loading instrument, has the loading instrument program been approved by the organization that issued the previous SAFCON certificate? If not, the loading instrument program and manual is to be submitted for approval to HO. 5 Do the present arrangements on board comply with the applicable regulations (emergency source of power, emergency fire pump, structural fire protection, fixed fire extinguishing system for machinery/cargo spaces etc?) and recent amendments to regulations (emergency towing arrangement, safe access to tanker bows and tank venting arrangements for tankers and arrangements for oil fuel etc for all ships). 6 Have all outstanding surveys/recommendations, if any, imposed by the previous society/organization, been dealt with satisfactorily? If not, Interim certificate is not to be issued unless HO has agreed postponement. 7 Was any service restriction (trading area limits etc) imposed by the previous society/organization? If YES, have the same service restrictions been included/endorsed in the Interim certificate now issued? 9 Has vessel been modified since the last SAFCON certificate was issued? If yes, full details to be forwarded to HO and certificate to be issued only after confirmation from HO.