
Checklist for Safety Construction Survey as per IRS class or Indian Register of Shipping ?




14 Means of escape from all accommodation spaces and spaces in which crew are normally employed (other than machinery spaces) have been examined and found in satisfactory condition.


Emergency towing arrangements have been fitted Fore/Aft, towing procedure,                                  towing gear location with tools and (ETB) Emergency Towing Booklet have been verified and found satisfactory (required for all passenger ships by 1st January 2010 and New Cargo built on or after 1st January 2010, Resolution MSC 256(84) and MSC.1/Circ.1255)







1 A general examination of machinery and boiler spaces has been made with particular attention to the propulsion system, auxiliary machinery and the fire and explosion hazards and found in satisfactory condition
2 Emergency escape routes from machinery spaces have been checked and found in satisfactory condition
3 The machinery and boiler spaces are free of all visible fire and explosion hazards (leakage of oil, excess oil in bilges or drip trays, improper insulation for hot surfaces etc)
4 Piping systems containing fuel oil, lubricating oil or other flammable oils where fitted have been examined and operated as practicable, special attention being paid to tightness, fire precaution arrangements, flexible hoses and sounding arrangements and found satisfactory (IMO Resolution A.31 (63) refers).
5 Main and auxiliary steering arrangements including their associated equipment and control systems have been examined under operation and found in satisfactory condition
6 All the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control positions as well as the bridge and the alternative steering position, if fitted, have been tested and found in satisfactory condition
7 Bilge pumping systems and bilge wells including operation of pumps, remote reach rods and level alarms, where fitted, have been examined, tested and found in satisfactory condition
8 Non-metallic expansion joints in piping systems, which penetrate the hull and are fitted below the deepest load waterline have been examined and found satisfactory.
9 All essential machinery (auxiliary engines, pumps, compressors etc) have been examined and operationally tested, as far as practicable, and found satisfactory.
10 First start arrangements (means provided to ensure that machinery can be brought into operation from dead ship condition without external aid) have been tested and found satisfactory
11 Adequate supply of air (ventilation) is provided in machinery spaces for the safety and comfort of the personnel and the operation of the machinery
12 The Engineers alarm has been tested and found clearly audible in the engineers accommodation area
13 Boilers and pressure vessels and their appurtenances including safety devices, foundations, controls, relieving gear, high pressure and steam escape piping, insulation and gauges have been examined externally and found in satisfactory condition. Date of last auxiliary boiler survey ______________, survey carried out by ________________
14 The electrical equipment and cabling forming the main and emergency installations have been generally examined under operating conditions as far as practicable and found in satisfactory condition
15 Operation of all main and emergency sources of power has been checked as far as practicable and found in satisfac1tory condition (if operation of emergency sources of power are automatic, they should be tested also in the automatic mode)
16 A general examination of automation equipment and control engineering systems have been carried out and operation considered satisfactory (where applicable)
17 The electrical installation in areas, which may contain inflammable gas or vapor and/or combustible dust, has been examined and found in good condition and properly maintained.
18 The remote controls for stopping fans and machinery and shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces and, where fitted, the remote controls for stopping fans in accommodation spaces and the means of cutting off power to the galley are in working order.




1 Cargo tank openings including gaskets, covers, coamings, P/V valves and flame screens are all satisfactory as far as could be seen
2 A portable instrument for measuring flammable vapor concentration with sufficient spares and means of calibration is provided and is operating satisfactorily.
3 Flame screens on vents at all bunker, oily ballast and oily slop tanks and void spaces are satisfactory as far as could be seen.
4 An examination of cargo, crude oil washing, bunker, ballast and vent piping systems including vent masts and headers have been carried out and all found in satisfactory condition
5 An examination of cargo tank venting, purging, gas freeing and ventilation arrangements and secondary means of venting or over/under pressure alarms, if fitted, has been found operational and satisfactory. (IMO resolution MSC. 57(67) refers – compliance required at first scheduled dry-docking after 1st July 1998 and in any case not later than 1st July 2001.
6 The condition of electrical equipment in dangerous zones is satisfactory as far as could be ascertained. The insulation resistance of the electrical equipment in dangerous zones has been tested and found satisfactory (applicable during intermediate survey of tankers over 10 years old)
7 Emergency towing arrangements have been fitted and approved by/or on behalf of the administration (required for all tankers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight or more by 1st January 1999)
8 The vessel complies with the requirements of safe access to tanker bows (IMO resolution MSC. 57(67) refers – compliance required at first scheduled dry-docking after 1st July 1998 and in any case not later than 1st July 2001).
9 The following items have been examined in cargo pump room:
9.1 Potential sources of ignition in or near the pump room such as loose gear, excessive product in the bilges, excessive vapors, combustible materials etc. have been eliminated.
9.2 The access ladders are in satisfactory condition
9.3 The electrical equipment is in satisfactory condition as far as could be seen
9.4 The pump room bulkheads are free of signs of oil leakage or fractures


The sealing arrangement of bulkhead penetrations is satisfactory

11 An external examination of the piping system has been carried out and all found in satisfactory condition.
12 The cargo, bilge, ballast and stripping pumps examined as far as practicable and found satisfactory for excessive gland seal leakage; operation of electrical and mechanical remote operating and shutdown devices and integrity of pump room bilge system and pump foundations
13 The pump room ventilation system is operational and the ducting intact, the dampers are operable and the screens are clean
14 As far as could be seen, the installed pressure gauges on the cargo discharge lines and level indicator systems are operational
15 All isolating valves and piping of the cargo tank and cargo pump room fixed fire fighting system were externally examined as far as practicable and found satisfactory
16 The deck foam and deck sprinkler systems were found to be operable and in satisfactory condition.


1 Have all spaces (cargo holds/tanks, ballast tanks, stores etc) been internally examined as required and the structure and structural fire protection arrangements found in satisfactory condition.

About the author

Manish Mayank

Graduated from M.E.R.I. (Mumbai). A cool, calm, composed and the brain behind the development of the database. The strong will to contribute in maritime education and to present it in completely different and innovative way is his source of inspiration.

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