About Us

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Marinegyaan.com is not just another website; it’s a mission to create World’s Biggest Online Marine Encyclopedia by INDIANS for the WORLD and to find solutions that are of extreme importance to all seafarers across the globe. With 2000+ topics & 23 Authors, we have just started our sailing to bring you the ocean of knowledge.

Meet Our Team 


Amit Kumar Sharma
Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times  and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.
Manish Mayank
COO and Editor-in-chief
Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai. A cool, calm, composed and the brain behind the development of the database. The strong will to contribute in maritime education and to present it in completely different and innovative way is his source of inspiration.
Vikrant Sharma
Webmaster & Developer
The youngest in our team, a techie, he is the one behind the design, development and handling the website and a strong believer of the quote “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me.
Anand Gautam
Editorial Head, Engineering Encyclopedia
Anand Gautam is a marine engineer, Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai.“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination” is what motivates him to work tirelessly. He likes to sail onboard ship and is one who is passionate about his job. He loves to share his knowledge, information and ideas to everyone in a simplified way just for his satisfaction.

Our Expert Advisors

Capt. Andrew Harvey
Ship Master
A master mariner, presently sailing in Mearsk line. He has seen the challenges of sea that inspires him to write down his thoughts, share ideas and sea experiences to educate the young generation starting their sea life. He has been writing for various maritime magazines and has been awarded for his great work.
Capt.Daniel Martin
Superintendent, Royal Wagenburg Pvt. Ltd.
He has sailed on almost all types of ships in various capacities for 30 years. An ocean of knowledge and experience still motivates him to act as superintendent in Blue Ships. His precious advices on various issues help us to understand things more clearly.

Our Authors

Capt. A.D. Athale
Marine Instructor, M.E.R.I. Mumbai
He is a master mariner. 45 years of sea experience on almost all types of ships of his time. Presently, a nautical faculty in M.E.R.I. Mumbai. He is a great orator and his real life experiences give a great value to his teaching in class. Its a great feeling to have his valuable thoughts and advices to our team.
Inderjeet Singh Balot
Chief Officer
He is a chief officer in The Shipping Corporation of India who has worked on various types of tankers. He specialises in Crude Oil and Product Tankers. He is extremely passionate about his work and loves to compiles notes on various topics and subjects during free time to help his juniors and fellow seamen in clearing their doubts and competency exams.
Vinay Kumar Singh
3rd officer,The Shipping Corporation of India
Director, Nielsons Education Forum
A young, dynamic and an adorable personality. He does not have a long sea career and experience but his intellect and the ability to understand and  present anything in such an easy way with practical examples makes him a fantastic tutor and a guide.His notes on various subjects and topics has helped plenty of juniors during their preparation for competency exams an his valuable thoughts has always helped our team to serve the maritime industry in a better way.
Abhishek Dwivedi
Marine Engineer
He is a Marine Engineer working with Shipping Corporation Of India. He completed his pre-sea from MERI-Kolkata, loves traveling, cooking and writing in free time. He writes about his experiences & all the learnings during his work on ship to educate his juniors & fellow friends..
Saurav Chandra
Naval Architect
Belong to the league of designers who are responsible for giving this ship building industry most efficient and green ships. Responsible for design, construction and repair of merchant ships, warships, submarines and offshore structures. Having work experience in both basic design and detail design of ships in india as well as abroad. Believe in good balance between more energy efficient design and environment friendly design.
Manas Nirehnwal
Maritime Author
A polyvalent cadet of M.E.R.I. Mumbai. He is young and a dynamic brain who believes in solving problems and sharing knowledge.
Do you have any idea or skill that will make the life of seamen little easier. Great!!! We are waiting for you in Marine Gyaan. Just drop a mail and we will provide you the platform and the team who will value and support you to make a difference with your work in the global shipping industry. 

Career at Marine Gyaan

  • Be an expert blogger
    A blog is your best bet for a voice among the online crowd. You want to start blogging that means you want to go to masses that means marinegyaan.com gets the pleasure to offer you to work with inspired and creative people. Just write a mail to us and we will set the platform for you and you are open to the maritime world.
  • Write articles
    Article writing is to write informative and quality contents over a subject to supply readers a valuable piece of information and enlighten them about the subject. Over a wide variety of topics i.e. navigation, technology, human element, laws & conventions and many more. Choose your favorite and present an article with all the stats and information for the maritime world. It isn’t a job, its fun at a place where you add the next element in your career. We’re looking for bright and creative people who are looking to be part of an inspiring team and express something of a value to global marine industry.
  • Be an author and upload your study materials
    Have you been preparing for exams, yes. It means you have quality notes that helped you to clear the exams which means now you have a chance to make good money. How? Upload it and we will pay you for this. Because your time and effort has produced that quality notes in your hand. Millions of seafarers around the world will get your quality product and you get money. A win-win situation for all of us. But wait…. We have few more offers for you if it’s not just money that matters to you.
  • Journalism
    Shipping being a global industry has everyday every moment something happening somewhere and if this is your area of interest, If you like to gather information and present it in a written news stories. We have a place for you because you are among those few people in the world who are doing what they love to do.
Drop your mail at info@marinagyaan-642d6e.ingress-baronn.easywp.com. We will reach out to you