List of all classification Society?

Classification Societies
ABS American Bureau of Shipping USA
BV Bureau Veritas French
CBS Cyprus Bureau of Shipping Cypriot
CCS China Classification Society Chinese
CRS Hrvatski Registar Brodova Croatian
DNV Det Norske Veritas Norwegian
GBS Guardian Bureau of Shipping USA
GL Germanischer Lloyd German
HRS Hellenic Register of Shipping Greek
IRS International Register of Shipping USA
IRS Indian Register of Shipping Indian
KR Korean Register Korean
LR Lloyd’s Register British
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Japanese
PRS Polski Rejestr Statków Polish
RBNA Registro Brasileiro de Navios Brasilian
RINA Registro Italiano Navale Italian
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Russian
SMA Sjöfartsverket Swedish
DIS Søfartstyrelsen Danish
TL Türk Loydu Turkish
IACS International Association of Classification Societies LTD
EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency

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Annual Surveys are mainly concerned with general condition of  ship and machinery and including items preventing the entry of water; items providing crew safety; fire protection arrangements, communications, bilge pumping and electrical systems, steering arrangements etc.

Annual survey is carried out at 12 monthly intervals ( 3 months grace), often considering, where practical, with Load Line and other statuary surveys. The ship is examined as far as necessary and practical to establish that it is in a satisfactory general condition.

 Docking Surveys

Docking surveys are carried out at approximately 2 ½  yearly intervals ( twice in every five years but not greater than 3 yearsbetween dockings for ships less than 15 years old – every 2 years for ships more than 15 years old with extention to 2 ½ years if an approved high resistance paint is used ). The main function of this survey is to examine condition the underwater shell plating including openings and attachments, also rudder and fittings, stern frame and propeller. In-water survey may be carried out on large vessels in lieu of certain docking survey.

In water survey ( IWS)


To obtain information on the condition of hull and large vessels normally from the docking survey.


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