What is Purpose of EEDI or Energy Efficiency Design Index ?

After 1st Jan, 2013

  1. To require a minimum energy efficiency level for new ships.
  2. To stimulate continued technical development of all the components influencing fuel efficiency of a ship.

EEDI are required for certain types of ships which are constructed or to go under a major conversion under Ist Jan, 2013. The EEDI is an index than estimates the performance of the ship in terms of energy efficiency.

MARPOL Annex VI specifies 2 type of EEDI
  1. Attained EEDI
  2. Required EEDI

International Energy Efficiency Certificate.

Applicable to vessels more than 400 GRT, to hold not later than the 1st survey (initial, intermediate & renewal) of IAPP after 1st Jan, 2013 It is valid for ships life unless the ship undergoes a major conversion or changes flag.

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