What is meant by the special status of Part B of the Code of new ILO (International Labour Organisation ) Convention and why was it needed?

The special status is reflected in the following agreed set of questions and answers:

Is Part B of the Code mandatory?

Can Part B be ignored by ratifying Members?

Is implementation of Part B verified by port State inspectors?

Does the ratifying Member have to follow the guidance in Part B?
Answer: No,

but if it does not follow the guidance it may – vis-à-vis the competent bodies of the International Labour Organization – need to justify the way in which it has implemented the corresponding mandatory provisions of the consolidated Convention.

 Since part B is not mandatory, why is it part of the convention and not the subject of an international labour recommendation?

Part A and Part B of the Code are interrelated. The provisions of Part B, called Guidelines, while not mandatory, are helpful and sometimes essential for a proper understanding of the Regulations and the mandatory Standards in Part A. In some cases, the mandatory Standards in Part A are so generally worded it may be difficult to implement them without the guidance in the corresponding provisions of Part B.