What is meaning of Deck cargo on ships ?

  • The vertical distribution of the deck cargo;
  • Wind moments which may normally be expected on the voyage;
  • Losses of weight in the ship, including in particular those due to the consumption of fuel and stores; and
  • Possible increases of weight of the ship or deck cargo, including in particular those due to the absorption of water and to icing; as not to impair the weather tight or watertight integrity of any part of the ship or its fittings or appliances, and as to ensure the proper protection of ventilators and air pipes; that its height above the deck or any other part of the ship on which it stands will not interfere with the navigation or working of the ship; that it will not interfere with or obstruct access to the ship’s steering arrangements, including emergency steering arrangements; that it will not interfere with or obstruct safe and efficient access by the crew to or between their quarters and any machinery space or other part of the ship used in the working of the ship, and will not in particular obstruct any opening giving access to those positions or impede its being readily secured weather tight.


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