The International Shipping Federation (ISF) is the name used by the International Chamber of Shipping when representing maritime employers globally on labour affairs and training issues. ISF/ICS members include national shipowners’ associations from 36countries. ISF represented employers throughout the discussionsat IMO which led to the adoption of the STCW amendments.
In 2011, ISF published comprehensive Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention including the 2010 ‘Manila Amendments’ available from maritime booksellers or Marisec Publications.
To assist shipping companies to comply with the new requirements to maintain records of individual seafarers’ rest hour records, ISF has developed its Watchkeeper 3 computer programme.
The International Shipping Federation (ISF) is the name used by the International Chamber of Shipping when representing maritime employers globally on labour affairs and training issues. ISF/ICS members include national shipowners’ associations from 36countries. ISF represented employers throughout the discussionsat IMO which led to the adoption of the STCW amendments.
In 2011, ISF published comprehensive Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention including the 2010 ‘Manila Amendments’ available from maritime booksellers or Marisec Publications
To assist shipping companies to comply with the new requirements to maintain records of individual seafarers’ rest hour records, ISF has developed its Watchkeeper 3 computer programme.