What is Drugs and Alcohol Policy?

  1. The possession, use, trafficking and sale of drugs and alcohol onboard are prohibited.
  2. No consumption of alcohol is allowed while the ship is in port.
  3. No issue of alcoholic beverages are to be made between 24 hours prior to arrival at any port until the ship has departed from the coastal waters or territorial limits.
  4. Distribution or consumption of alcohol is not allowed as sea during conditions of restricted visibility, heavy traffic, in any hazardous condition or at any time subject to Master’s discretion.
  5. Alcoholic beverages in crew quarters are prohibited.
  6. Watch keeping personnel or crewmember involved in the operation of equipment must abstain from alcohol minimum 4 hours prior taking over duties.
  7. Upon demand from the Company, Operators and the Authorities, and in order to uncover any abuse and illegal use of alcohol, drugs and narcotics, testing of Ship’s Officers and Ratings may take place. Such testing shall be carried out in accordance with Company Procedures.
  8. The Master is overall responsible for the implementation of this policy.