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What are types of Tidal Patterns on sea ?

  • Two high tides/two low tides per day
  • Tidal range about same
Mixed Tidal Pattern

A mixed tidal pattern may have characteristics of both diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Successive high tides and/or low tides will have significantly different heights, a condition called diurnal inequality. Mixed tides commonly have a tidal period of 12 hours 25 minutes, but they may also exhibit diurnal periods. Mixed tides are the most common type in the world, including along the Pacific Coast of North America.TIDE 2

In short we can say: Mixed

  • Two high tides/two low tides per day
  • Tidal range different
  • Most common
Note :

Most areas on Earth should experience two high tides and two low tides of unequal heights during a lunar day. In practice, however, the various depths, sizes, and shapes of ocean basins modify tides so they exhibit three different patterns in different parts of the world.


About the author

Amit Sharma

Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.

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