- Check certificates and validity.
- Register of ship lifting appliances and gear.
- Ships plan.
- Garbage record book.
- Oil record book.
- LSA/FFA maintenance record book.
- Planned maintenance scheme checks.
- General condition of ship and defects list.
- Possession of all important keys.
- Status of stores, inventories and requisition.
- Overtime sheets of crew
- Navigational equipment.
- Deck log book.
- Ongoing or future surveys.
- Cargo aspect:
- Records of all past loading and discharges.
- Ship stability booklet, cargo plan, cargo manifest, ship stability booklet,
- Present situation regarding cargo and stowage.
- Expected time of completion and departure.
- Any draft restrictions in port of departure or arrival.
- Reserves on board- oil, ballast, fresh water, cargo etc.
- Loadicator- general operation, test condition, take custody of instruction manual and back up floppy.