
What are the major amendments to SOLAS which have entered into force in 2015?

“The Code serves as the international standard and consolidated instrument containing minimum criteria against which organisations are assessed towards recognition and authorisation and the guidelines for the oversight by flag States.”

It comprised three parts:

  1. General – including communication of information, scope of the code and delegation of authority.
  2. Recognition and authorisation requirements for organisations – including management, resources, performance measurement and quality management systems.
  3. Oversight of recognised organisations – including principles of auditing and how to  establish and manage an oversight programme.
  1. Safety instructions for passengers(entering into force on01.01.2015)(SOLAS Ch III Regulation 19 – Emergency training and drills )

The time when muster of passengers according to SOLAS III, Reg. 19.2.2 shall be carried out will be harmonised with the time of passengers safety briefing according to SOLAS III, Reg. 19.2.3. Musters shall be carried out before departure or immediately after departure. require musters of newly embarked passengers prior to or immediately upon departure; Ships carrying passengers that are to be on board for more than 24 hours must take musters of newly-embarked passengers ‘prior to or immediately upon departure’. Passengers must be instructed in the use of life-jackets and on what action to take in the event of an emergency. Passenger safety briefings must also be given prior to or immediately after departure. This must be made by announcement on the ship’s public address system or equivalent means and may be supplemented by information cards, posters or video programmes.

  1. Enclosed space entry and rescue drills (SOLAS Ch III Regulation 19 – Emergency training and drills )

According to SOLAS III, Reg. 19.3.3  ‘crew members with enclosed space entry and rescue responsibilities shall participate in corresponding safety drills at least once every two months’. Enclosed space entry and rescue drills should be planned and conducted considering the recommendations provided by the IMO (Resolution A.1050(27) Revised Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships).

These must include the following:

About the author

Amit Sharma

Graduated from M.E.R.I. Mumbai (Mumbai University), After a brief sailing founded this website with the idea to bring the maritime education online which must be free and available for all at all times and to find basic solutions that are of extreme importance to a seafarer by our innovative ideas.

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