What are sources of Static Electricity on ships?

  1. Steaming

Injecting steam into a cargo tank during tank cleaning can cause a build up of static within the condensed water droplets.

  1. Gas freeing

Forced air gas freeing devices can cause a static charge to build up on the body of the equipment.

  1. Cargo tank cleaning

A static charge will be produced when water is forced, under high pressure, through the nozzle of a tank cleaning machine. As a result, the water mist inside the cargo tanks may become charged. A charge can also build on the nozzle of the tank cleaning machine unless the machine is electrically grounded.

  1. Sampling/gauging

Objects such as ullage probes or sampling equipment may already contain an electrostatic charge prior to being lowered into a tank. Lowering and raising such equipment in and out of a cargo tank may also generate a static charge on the line.


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