What are regulations for recovery of person from water as per SOLAS ?

  • Maneuverability of the ship;
  • Freeboard of the ship;
  • Points on the ship to which casualties may be recovered;
  • Characteristics and limitations of equipment intended to be used for recovery operations;
  • Available crew and personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • Wind force, direction and spray;
  • Significant wave height (Hs);
  • Period of waves;
  • Swell; and
  • Safety of navigation.


Anderson Turn, Williamson Turn and  Scharnow turn are normally used.

To the extent practicable, recovery procedures should provide for recovery of persons in a horizontal or near-horizontal (“deck-chair”) position.

Recovery in a vertical position should be avoided whenever possible as it risks cardiac arrest in hypothermic casualties (refer to the Guide for cold water survival (MSC.1/Circ.1185/Rev.1)).

Illumination is necessary for the recovery operation from water.   Source of illumination and power (where required) should be available for the area where the recovery operation is conducted.

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Responsibility of Master

The initiation or continuation of recovery operations should be at the discretion of the master of the recovering ships ,in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS regulation III/17-1.

The use of ship’s rescue craft must be for the master to decide, depending on the particular circumstances of the incident. Allowable circumstances Are referred to Annex1/ Annex2.

There will be times when recovery cannot be attempted or completed without unduly endangering the ship, her crew or those needing recovery. Only the assisting ship’s master can decide when this is the case.

Master has to establish programs and should carryout drills for emergency actions recovery. 

Duties of the crew

The various tasks involved are define and assigned to particular personnel onboard ,like who will be required for the recovery process; who will manage the ship in the meant time etc.

Please refer Annex 2 for detailed information on the duties to be assigned to crew and officers. Responsibilities Matrix

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