What are regulations for fire pump as per FSS code or SOLAS ?

1) Every ship shall be provided with fire pumps, fire mains, water service pipes, hydrants, hoses and nozzles capable of providing at least two jets of water, not emanating from the same hydrant, capable of reaching normally accessible parts of the ship while the ship is being navigated and any store room and any part of any cargo space when empty.

(2) Every ship of 4000 tons or above shall be provided with at least three independently driven fire pumps and every ship or less than 4000 tons shall be provided with at least two such pumps, and each such pump shall be capable of delivering two jets of water specified under clause (1) and in addition shall comply with the requirements specified in SOLAS.   

(3) In every ship of 1000 tons and above, the arrangements of sea connections, pumps and sources of power for operating them shall be such as to ensure that fire in any one compartment will not put all the fire pumps out of action: 

Provided that where arrangement in a ship is such that a fire in any one compartment could put all the fire-pumps out of action, there shall be provided in a position outside the machinery spaces, an independently driven power operated emergency fire pump and its source of power and sea connection.  Such pump shall be capable of producing at least two jets of water from any two hydrants and hoses through nozzles which shall comply with the requirements specified while simultaneously maintaining a pressure of at least 2.1 bar (0.21 N/mm2) at any hydrant in the ship. 

(4)(a) Every Ship shall be provided with a fire main, water service pipes, hydrants, hoses and nozzles which shall be so arranged that they comply with the requirements specified in rules

(b)In every ship of 1000 tons and above, the arrangement of fire pumps, fire mains and hydrants shall be such that at least one jet of water is immediately available from any one hydrant in an interior location.  Arrangements shall also be made to ensure the continuation of the output of water by the automatic starting of a fire pump. 

(5) In every ship at least one fire hose complete with nozzle shall be provided for every hydrant fitted in compliance with this rule and shall be used only for the purpose of extinguishing fire or for testing the fire extinguishing appliances at fire drills and surveys. 

(6) In every ship.      

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