What are regulations for Fire Alarm System on Ship as per SOLAS ?

Every ship shall be provided with a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system complying with the requirements specified in SOLAS   in any machinery space where : 

  1. the installation of automatic and remote control systems and equipment has been approved in lieu of continuous manning of such space ; or 
  2. the main propulsion and associated machinery including sources of main electrical supply are provided with some automatic or remote control and are under continuous manned supervision from a control room. 

In every such ship there shall be provided in each ro/ro cargo space a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system complying with the requirements specified in SOLAS  .  

In every such ship shall be provided in each cargo space (other than ro/ro cargo spaces) intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion either a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system complying with the requirements specified in SOLAS or a sample extraction smoke detection system complying with the requirements specified in SOLAS  VII . 

